Debbie Millman | Audio

Steven Heller

Steven Heller is the co-chair of the Designer as Author MFA Program and co-founder of the MFA in design criticism program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. He is the editor, author or co-author of over 100 books on design, political art and popular culture.

Heller was an art director at The New York Times. Currently, he writes the "Visuals" column for the Book Review, designer and illustrator obituaries and a design column for NY Times' T-Style "The Moment" blog. He writes the "Daily Heller" for Print's online forum and does interview "Broadcasts" for Core77.

In this audio interview with Debbie Millman, Steven Heller discusses his new book Pop: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Cultureblogging from the bathroom, Christmas in New York, working with Patti Smith, Screw magazine, Paul Rand's tombstone, creating graduate programs and, of course, writing.

Posted in: Design Matters

Comments [7]

Holy Heck… that one guy…

Joe Moran

Great interview Debbie!
The Essential Steven Heller . . .
Anyone who can produce that many design books — Must be Santa.

Do you think that in our path to adapt, we are accepting more and more unessential things that we deem are essential in our lives?

Well I can go both ways on this.
There are something’s that we like simply because we like them and they are not essential. That’s OK. You know that’s part of our personalities, that’s part of our needs and there are lots of things that we need that are essential.
What I like to do is kind of make a chart for myself.
What is it that I want that is essential?
What is it that I want that is not essential?
And how can I make the unessential stuff, essential?
And that’s why I write books.
Carl W. Smith

Oh Debbie ....maybe too much information?
Steven's blogs will never be the same for me. [snicker]

Gotta love some Daily Heller
Mike Miller

I didn't realize this website had an audio section; Thank you Daily Heller and thank you Debbie Millman.
Ivan Markos

Kinda sad. Mr. Heller seems proud of his amoral view of life (and design). Design (to me) is the expression of a point of view -- when you remove standards of behavior from expression, you end up with... Andy Warhol.

How someone can accomplish all of that in one lifetime is amazing to me but inspiring at the same time. I can only hope to affect the design industry as he has. Awesome stuff!

Nicholas Hammond

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