Debbie Millman | Audio

Alex Bogusky + John Bielenberg

Alex Bogusky’s career in communications began over twenty years ago when he joined Crispin and Porter Advertising in 1989 as an art director. He became the creative director five years later, a partner in 1997, and co-chairman in 2008. In 2010 Alex left what he called, "the best job on the planet," to create The FearLess Revolution. He and his band of insurgents, in what they refer to as "the new consumer revolution," are creating, consulting, and reporting on the emergence of a sudden and powerful counterbalance to corporate power: an educated and empowered consumer. Their most recent project is COMMON, a creative community for rapidly prototyping social ventures.

John Bielenberg helps organizations find the courage and the sense of humor to consider whole new “wrong” ways of bringing their stories, ideas, and innovations out into the world. He is currently collaborating with Alex Bogusky on COMMON. In his career, John has won over 250 design awards, was nominated for two National Design Awards from the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has acquired six of his projects and staged a solo exhibition in 2000. John is also a founding partner of C2, MavLab, and Nada Bicycle Collective.

Posted in: Design Matters

Comments [2]

Didn't think I see Bogusky in DO's pieces. Honestly, other than ride a wave led by deeper (and older) creative leadership at Crispin, all this guy does is spout stuff that's non original, not interesting or substantial, nor really 'creative'. Nothing I have read of his new venture, or site, or his webcasts or whatever they are, move the professional forward. It's the same old stuff. I think maybe he appeals to a demo of like, 20-40 or something. The Red Bull generation of designers...but as far as classic, strong ideas, I have yet to be impressed by one from AB. I'm glad he has a treehouse cabin in Boulder and rides his bike a lot, that's fun.
NM design

Thank you for having Bogusky and Bielenburg on DO. I find the above comment highly humorous. Reason being, these two men couldn't be more influential in forward thinking for creative professions. The projects, brands, and ideas that have developed through their efforts not only challenge our corporate giants but reach out to the average Joe and use design to actually create a change that matters. How more appropriate could guests be on a podcast called "Design Matters?" Common Bikes, Ride Alabamboo, PieLab, Common Pitch, The Climate Reality Project, Mbulance, and Buy A Meter are only a few of their projects directly using design to make a social difference. You're right NM design, if you're looking for classic ideas then these two innovators are not for you. That's why they are innovators and that's why what they do is called "Thinking Wrong" which is necessary for true innovation and creative exploration.

Jobs | October 01