Debbie Millman | Audio

Mirko Ilic

Mirko Ilic is a Bosnian-born designer and illustrator. His visual biography Fist to Face has recently been translated into english and published by by Print Magazine. Throughout his illustrious career, Ilic has collaborated with design luminaries like Steven Heller and Milton Glaser. He has designed album covers for Rage Against the Machine, created film titles for You've Got Mail, and written or designed a number of books, including Genius Moves, The Design of Dissent, The Anatomy of Design, and Stop Think Go Do. He has taught advanced design classes at Cooper Union with Milton Glaser and now teaches illustration at the School of Visual Arts. His studio, Mirko Ilic Corp., has received awards from the Society of Publication Designers, the Art Directors Club, I.D., Print, and HOW.

Posted in: Business, Design Matters

Comments [1]

Ilic has the voice of a great movie villain. It is a pleasure to listen to him. Perhaps, in his never-ending search for new challenges he should consider a career in Hollywood or politics. As for his work, "Fist To Face" proves that he is one of the great designing minds of our time. On the other hand, he is wrong to discourage his students from seeking a career in design. Not everyone can be a Glaser or an Ilic. But there is room on the Pentagram level. The civilization needs designers to keep the military/industrial establishment going and to make sure triumphant Capitalism does not perish from the face of the earth.

Jobs | October 01