Eric Baker | Today Column

Today, 10.18.08

Here are Today’s images.

TODAY is a weekly jewel box of seemingly random, yet thoughtfully selected, images. At times tender, wicked, nostalgic, amusing, and dazzling, each edition is presented without narration, editing or explanation by its author, designer Eric Baker. "It all began as a goof. One day I sent a good friend about 50 random pictures of cheese. I don't know why, but to me cheese is funny, perhaps it is the word itself and its various connotations.  Eventually I began looking closer, or should I say broader at 'things'. Things lost on the fringes...ordinary, odd, beautiful things.  Esoteric images, old diagrams, typography, cartography — visions of a once promising but now extinct future."

Editor's Note: All images link to their original source and are copyright their original owners.

Comments [10]

great stuff eric... survivor Sottsass is a dead ringer for Carlin.
felix sockwell

The images of Today 10.18.08 are great stuff and an inspiration, but Eric’s post would have more kinetic energy—if the Design Observer readers could comment with images of their own.
+ Insert Image: < img src="http://url/image.gif" />
Carl W. Smith

Re F. Scott Fitzgerald's telegram: I wonder if "nervous" meant "hung over after a ferociously-long four-day bender with more hoochie than I can actually recall. Stop."

The Arthur Gordon Pym title page is from a 1930 Heritage Club edition. The rest of the typography is unfortunately pretty boring, but it's also got a bunch of nice illustrations by René Clarke.

Great teaser... I thought it was going to be a Halloween-related post involving a certain set of disembodied singing lips.

Please take a moment to read the Walt Disney letter.
Thanks Eric
Rocco Piscatello

Wow - that Disney letter is straight out of Mad Men - genius! Awesome letterhead that reminds me of a letter I received back in 1963 from the Wrigley's Gum marketing department in response to their jingle at the time: Wrigley's Letter

Keep up the fine work Eric!



H. Michael Karshis

re. Walt Disney letter - did they seriously use that header?

re. content - priceless - thats from 50 years ago....really great they allowed women to at least trace back then............

have just looked at the wrigley letterhead

the contrast between the images and the quality/ color of the paper

Great post, thanks.
Jumping Dog Design

Many have written their opinions concerning the education of the graphic designer as well as one book I know of titled the education of the illustrator. Marshall Arisman is the author of that last title and I believe the book is great, but it has become somewhat dated
Considering that it is pre. MAC in its scope. There are heroes discussed and they are my heroes also.

History in the arts starts for me in the late 1950’s. I had heard of the School of Visual Arts through a high school friend of mine who had taken art in HS. Upon coming home from a very bad educational experience at FSU ( I had not realized that northern Florida was actual in the “Old South”), I returned to the safety of New York City and people who understood my accent and shared my sensibilities.

Anyway…The dates of my first attendance at SVA began in Sept. 1960 and ended in 1963 (BFA). I immediately went “out on the street” following graduation and found illustration work with numerous “girly”magazines. They were also known as the “crotch” magazines as that was their photographers’ focus. I worked the streets for a few years and then was hit with a stroke of incredible luck.

Jason McWhortor, a classmate of mine had been working at Push Pin Studios as an assistant to everyone doing anything and was getting a promotion. Pushpin was going to need another JM and I was asked to meet with the primary artists. I brought my most recent portfolio of illustrations done for MR. and SIR magazines as well as a few B & W ads I had done for NBC-TV. I was lucky that day and walked home with a full time job as PP’s new gopher. WOW! This was the first steady salary I had in 8 years and I was now working for Milton Glaser, et al.

david holzman

Jobs | July 03