The Editors | Essays

Books Received: Fall 2008


New books have been piling up again at Design Observer. For the Fall season, we thought we'd share some of the many recently published titles we have received over the past couple of months. Maybe you'll find a surprise or two...

Ferran Adriá
A Day at elBulli
Phaidon Press, 2008

Stuart Bailey, editor
Dot Dot Dot 15
Princeton Architectural Press, 2007
Stuart Bailey, editor 
Dot Dot Dot 16
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008
Marion Bataille
Roaring Brook Press, 2008
Barry Bergdoll, editor
Home Delivery
The Museum of Modern Art, 2008
Alexis Bhagat & Lize Mogel, editors
An Atlas of Radical Cartography
Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press, 2008
Robert Blackson
If There Ever Was
Art Editions North, 2007
Mark Boyce
Sizes May Vary
Laurence King Publishers, 2008
Andrea Branzi
Open Enclosures
Thames & Hudson, 2008
Olaf Breidbach
Visions of Nature
Prestel Publishing, 2006
Robert Brunner, Stewart Emery & Russ Hall
Do You Matter? 
FT Press, 2008
Andrea Codrington
Kyle Cooper
Yale University Press, 2003
Lucas Conley
OBD: Obsessive Branding Disorder
Public Affairs, 2008

Gail S. Davidson
House Proud
Assouline, 2008

Avinash K. Dixit & Barry J. Nalebuff
The Art of Strategy
W. W. Norton, 2008

Timothy Donaldson
Shapes for Sounds
Mark Batty Publisher, 2008

Helen A. Cooper, editor
Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness
Yale University Press, 2008
Debórah Dwork
The Terezín Album of Mariánka Zadikow
University of Chicago Press, 2008
Daniel Eatock
Daniel Eatock: Works 1975–2007
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008
Felix Feneon
A Novel in Three Lines
NYRB Classics, 2007
Louise Fili & Lise Apatoff
The Little Bookroom, 2008
Jonathan Glancey
Lost Buildings
Goodman Books, 2008
Joshua Glenn
The Idler's Glossary
Biblioasis, 2008
E. H. Gombrich
A Little History of the World
Biblioasis, 2008

Marvin Heiferman
Now Is Then
Princeton Architectural Press, 2007

Jessica Helfand
Scrapbooks: An American History
Yale University Press, 2008

Steven Heller & Lita Talarico
The Design Entrepreneur
Rockport Publishers, 2008

Werner Herzog
Of Walking in Ice
Free Association, 2007

Mies Hora
Official Signs & Icons 2
Ultimate Symbol, 2005

Jennifer Hudson
Laurence King Publishers, 2008
Erik de Jong
Landscapes of the Imagination
NAi Publishers, 2008
Mark Kingwell
Concrete Reveries
Viking Adult, 2008

R. Klanten, N. Bourquin & S.Ehmann, editors
Data Flow
Die Gestalten Verlag, 2008

R. Klanten & M. Hubner, editors
Fully Booked
Die Gestalten Verlag, 2008

Charles Leadbeater 
Profile Books, 2008
Daniel Libeskind & Paul Goldberger
Monacelli Press, 2008
Ellen Lupton
Indie Publishing
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008
Farhad Manjoo
True Enough
Wiley, 2008
Mary Warner Marien
Photography: A Cultural History
Laurence King, 2003
Nadine Monem
Font. The Sourcebook
Black Dog Publishing, 2008

Susan Mossman
Fantastic Plastic
Black Dog Publishing, 2008

Laurie Olin
Olin: Placemaking
Monacelli Press, 2008

Max Page
The City's End
Yale University Press, 2008

Martin Parr
Small World
Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2002
Phaidon, editors
Le Corbusier Le Grand
Phaidon Press, 2008

Michael Pollan
In Defense of Food
Penguin Press, 2008

Phyllis Richardson
Designed for Kids
Penguin Press, 2008

Mark B. Salter, editor
Politics at the Airport
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008
Penny Sparke
The Modern Interior
Reaktion Books, 2008
Sven Spieker
The Big Archive
MIT Press, 2008
Robert A.M. Stern
The Philip Johnson Tapes
Monacelli Press, 2008
Ann Temkin
Color Chart
Soft Skull Press, 2004
Armin Vit & Bryony Gomez-Palacio
Women Of Design
HOW Books, 2008
Nader Vossoughian
Otto Neurath
NAi Publishers, 2008
Matt Weiland & Sean Wilsey
State by State
Ecco, 2008
B. Wittner, S. Thoma & N. Bourquin, editors
Die Gestalten Verlag, 2008

Jonathan M. Woodham
A Dictionary of Modern Design
Oxford University Press, 2005

Susan Yelavich
Ted Muehling: A Portrait of Don Freeman
Rizzoli, 2008

Yuichi Yokoyama
PictureBox, 2008

Adam Zagajewski
Eternal Enemies
Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2008

Fareed Zakaria
The Post–American World
W.W. Norton, 2008

Posted in: Media

Comments [15]

Shana Tova!
Have a great Rosh Hashanah everyone.
Carl W. Smith

Those are some nice books! Especially curious about Data Flow... Maybe you could review some of these books in the future??

Obvious salesmanship allows us to tune out an ad. For instance, frequently on radio talk shows there are ads placed which you might believe are part of the show, they feature a host and guest. These ads force me to listen only to be disgusted in the end.

On the other hand, an ad like the Head On commercial we are all familiar with has gone over the top. Sure, I can try to tune it out, but usually fail.

The previous post was meant for another topic and was accidentally placed here. SORRY!

"New books have been piling up again at Design Observer."

Where, exactly, is Design Observer?

I would love to know.

Great list. Thanks.

Just curious if anyone is reading fiction/literature/poetry at Design Observer, and if you have any recommended picks.
Eric Heiman

I've been searching the blog to figure out to recommend a book that I think epitomizes the purpose of design and designers:

Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises, by Architecture for Humanity, Kate Stohr, and Cameron Sinclair

It's a beautifully designed book, published in 2006 (so, yes, doesn't belong on this list, but didn't know where to put it). What's interesting about it are the politics that can surround even humanitarian design efforts. It also addresses some really interesting design parameters -- how do you design a shelter that is cheap and easy to build in a harsh environment -- by women who's main resource is sand? While in the meantime, local men are angry as they are out of a job. It's fascinating and I believe that these are the problems that we as designers were put on this earth to solve. These are not "design competitions." This is life.
Judith Hoogenboom

Another favorite published in 1995 (yes, that far back) is:

Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel, Charles C. Mann, and Paul Kennedy (Paperback - Oct 3, 1995)

Another beautifully designed, photographed and written book. Peter Menzel (the photographer) went around the world asking people to put all of the possessions in their homes on their "front yards," with the most important in front, and the least in back. Universally, peoples' most important possessions are their photographs. The materials the constitute a life in different parts of the world are fascinating. I'm also fascinated by cultures that DESIGN everything they have, even though they have next to nothing. That and the notion of what is "art" and what is "design" when taken from a global perspective is something I think is worth addressing -- by someone! Maybe me, someday.
Judith Hoogenboom

Hi Judith,

Thank you for these! I would be interested in chatting with you on this topic. Please fee free to get in touch with me.

This is for Eric Heiman-- I read tons of fiction, non-fiction and literature that I'd be happy to recommend, but not on this blog as I don't believe that's the point of this blog (feel free to email me at [email protected]).

Also, walk into any B&N and the tables of favorites (current and forever) are, generally speaking, the best contemporary literature (fiction, sometimes non-fiction) out there guaranteed to please, depending on your mood and interest. They sell well, because they ARE good books. Head for the classics and you will find the best. They are classics for a reason.

I LOVE bookstores. Just take a wander and go to one. If that fails to inspire me, or I don't have time to browse, I just ask anyone in the store near me for their opinion. Sometimes I walk out with a book, sometimes not. Good books are best when you read them at the right time and place for YOU. It's a very personal choice.
Judith Hoogenboom

Wow, hella collection so far. Thanks for the post.

have to disagree that "design like you give a damn" is well designed, but the content and themes are interesting enough for those of us such as myself toiling for the man, making crap commercial work.

as for the recommendations listed above, my two cents is for le corbusier's le grand (although it takes andre the giant to lift it) and yuichi yokoyama's "travel" (no words in it, so non-japanese can appreciate that). as for the rest, i suspect it is the remainders bin, but what do i know, i'm not educated or discerning and know little about books except what are good.

pieter voorhees

You betcha! I'm a maverick and I may not answer the questions ya want. I wanted to letcha know that I don't like books and think you're all elitist designers — so vote McCain Palin!
Sarah "Sixpack" Palin

Wow lucky I wish I had that many books. Great Blog! Check mine out thevisualscience.com

Thanks Judith so much; I just ordered Design Like You Give a Damn.
I would also recommend any of the books on Rural Studio.

Jobs | September 28