Martha Scotford | Slideshow

Ernst Reichl: Wide Awake Typographer

Ernst Reichl: Wide Awake Typographer: Slideshow: Slide 12

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Arnold Friedmann, John F. Pile, and Forrest Wilson, Interior Design
New York: American Elsevier, Inc., 1970

“For American Elsevier this was an unusual book, so they came to me. Ben Russak did not want to pay my design fee, which due to the many illustrations would have been high so I told them to have the book set in England, from my over-all layouts. I divided the pictures into large, medium, and small, and made instructive layouts with variations for each category which the compositor followed very well. I handled everything else, particularly Part Six with the many line drawings which demanded much detailed fitting and ingenuity. I received the fee I now asked for, (one-third of my original fee) but had saved them a great deal of money: not enough, however, so they fired [ ], the editor who was responsible for the book. It was much, much, much too expensive. Aftermath: the book has by now been reprinted several times…”

Jobs | October 01